Minor ailments prescribing delivers savings

MAY 2017 – For every dollar spent on pharmacists’ prescribing for minor ailments in Saskatchewan in 2014, the province saved $2.15 in direct healthcare costs and indirect costs (e.g., lost productivity). This positive return on investment is predicted to increase to $2.53 by 2019, according to researchers at the University of Saskatchewan who are wrapping […]

Home reviews warranted for the non-housebound

May 2017 – Housebound seniors with complex drug therapies often benefit from pharmacist home visits. But what about those elderly patients who can still make it into the pharmacy? It’s a question Toronto pharmacist/owner John Papastergiou set out to answer with the help of funding from the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s Innovation Fund. His gut […]

Untapped potential of travel meds

Happy, healthy travels | Picture of drink served in a coconut by the beach - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

May 2017 – Pharmacists could be playing a much bigger role in providing vaccinations and other healthcare services for travellers, suggest the latest results of a research study conducted by 2015 Innovation Fund grant recipient Sherilyn Houle of the University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy. The study examined clinical effectiveness and patient satisfaction levels at a […]

Kudos to the 2017 Wellspring winners

MAY 2017 – Patricia Gerber, Craig Plain and Naomi Steenhof are the recipients of this year’s Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards. The pharmacists will receive a total of $10,000 from the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy to pursue individual initiatives to develop personal leadership through study, experiential learning or mentorship. They will be honoured at the annual […]

2017 Pillar of Pharmacy: Marshall Moleschi

Headshot of Marshall Moleschi - New President of CFP Board of Directors

MAY 2017 – The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is thrilled to honour Marshall Moleschi as the 2017 Pillar of Pharmacy Award recipient, to recognize his important contributions to advance the profession. “Marshall has been a catalyst for change within the profession in his leaderships roles in B.C. and Ontario—and all pharmacists across Canada are benefitting […]

Reports build case for pharmacy

Cover Image for the report called The Value of Expanded Pharmacy Services in Canada - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2017 – If you don’t already have your copies of two new reports on pharmacy services from The Conference Board of Canada, use the following links to download them from the Conference Board’s website. The Value of Expanded Pharmacy Services in Canada is a research report that estimates cumulative savings to the healthcare system of […]