Grants & Awards

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) supports the profession of pharmacy through a range of grants and awards that recognize excellence and foster innovation. From the Innovation Fund, which has granted over $2 million to more than 24 projects advancing the profession, to the Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards and the Pillar of Pharmacy and Lifetime Achievement Awards, the CFP celebrates and supports pharmacists who are making a difference. Learn more about our grants and awards programs and how they are promoting pharmacy for a healthier Canada.

Innovation Fund

Since 2007 CFP has transformed more than $2 million in individual and corporate donations into awards, bursaries and scholarships for pharmacy researchers, innovators and leaders across the country. Grants from the Innovation Fund are a core component of CFP’s commitment to support pharmacy for a healthier Canada.

Pillar of Pharmacy

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy's Pillar of Pharmacy Award celebrates the achievements of an individual who has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to the profession of pharmacy. To be considered for this prestigious award, candidates must be actively involved in one of the four groups represented on the Canadian Foundation of Pharmacy Board: pharmacy practitioners, academic pharmacy, pharmacy associations or pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is pleased to honour pharmacy leaders from across the country through its Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards. CFP established these awards to honour the legacy of Barbara A. Wells, an exceptional pharmacy leader and beloved colleague who passed away in June 2010.

Lifetime Achievement

Do you know someone who has made a lasting impact on the profession of pharmacy? Help recognize their achievements by nominating them for the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy's Lifetime Achievement Award! Recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award have demonstrated dedicated service to the profession for 20 or more years, and have made an impact on the practice and/or advancement of pharmacy.

Past President

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy's Past President Award recognizes the leadership and time commitments of the Presidents of pharmacy organizations as they step down from their volunteer terms. As a volunteer organization itself, CFP understands and cherishes the contributions of volunteers who generously give their time and expertise to their organizations and to the profession at large.

Guy Genest

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is pleased to sponsor the Guy Genest Passion for Pharmacy Award, which recognizes one individual from each Faculty/School of Pharmacy in Canada for their notable passion for, and dedication to, the profession of Pharmacy.

CFP/AFPC Graduate Student

The CFP/AFPC award is bestowed on a pharmacy graduate student for the best research paper published or accepted for publication during the year preceding the annual meeting of the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (AFPC).