Celebrating a Pillar of Pharmacy

Celebrating a Pillar of Pharmacy | Picture of Marshall Moleschi holding his award in front of a crowd waving behind him - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

NOVEMBER 2017 – This year’s Pillar of Pharmacy Award winner, Marshall Moleschi, was honored by the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy for more than 40 years of commitment to the profession of pharmacy. At a gala in Toronto and then again in his native Vancouver in November, Moleschi was lauded by colleagues and friends for his […]

Putting pharmacy’s value to the test

Putting pharmacy's value to the test | Picture of U.S. panelists, from left: Jim Kirby, Kroger; Joe Moose, Moose Pharmacy; Elliott Sogol, Pharmacy Quality Solutions. Crystal Lennartz, Health Mart, participated by teleconference. - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

NOVEMBER 2017 – Value-based payment is coming to pharmacy in Canada—and while pharmacy leaders agree that the concept is good, the devil is very much in the details. At the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s 2017 Pharmacy Forum.  in Toronto on November 21, pharmacists from the U.S. shared their learnings under a value-based care system, and […]

Claims data strong for flu shots

Claims data strong for flu shots | Picture of claims chart - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

NOVEMBER 2017 – Pharmacists administered almost 2.5 million flu shots during the 2016-2017 season, a 19% gain over the previous season and virtually quadruple the number delivered in 2012-2013. These numbers from provincial ministries of health confirm that flu shots appear to be the most consistently successful service under an expanded scope of practice, in […]

Embracing Change: Shoppers Drug Mart, BC

Embracing Change: Shoppers Drug Mart, BC | Picture of Alex Dar Santos at his pharmacy - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

NOVEMBER 2017 – Vision, culture, support—those three words summarize how Alex Dar Santos has worked with his pharmacy team to successfully incorporate a wide range of professional services into his busy Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacy on Cambie Road in Richmond, BC. “The key is not to add to pharmacists’ workload, but to change it. We […]

2017 Innovation Grants total almost $140K

2017 Innovation Grants total almost $140K | Picture of a prescription pad on a table with the words Opioids - At risk patients - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

NOVEMBER 2017 – This year’s Innovation Grant winners will tackle high-dose opioid use, and the optimum role of pharmacists in diabetes follow up and urinary tract infection (UTI) management. The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy awarded a record $137,606 to three Canadian pharmacist researchers, Dr. Feng Chang, Dr. Lori MacCallum and Dr. Ross Tsuyuki, to pursue […]