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Be part of the million-dollar difference

Be part of the million-dollar difference | Picture of the banner for the 1 Million for 25 campaign for donations - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2018 – The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy has launched the 1 Million for 25 fundraising campaign to take funding for pharmacy research and innovation to the next level. “If each pharmacist in Canada donated just $25, the Foundation would have more than $1 million to fund exciting projects dedicated to advancing the profession of […]

Embracing Change: Simpson’s Pharmasave, ON

Embracing Change: Simpson's Pharmasave, ON - Headshot of Sean Simpson - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2018 – After 41 years in the business, Simpson’s Pharmasave has become adept at change. In fact, embracing it has kept the pharmacy thriving, says pharmacist/owner Sean Simpson. “It’s a constant evolution, trying to stay at the forefront of pharmacy practice in order to provide a better experience for patients,” says Simpson. “You can’t […]

A united front the only way forward

A united front the only way forward | Picture of Innovation Showcase keynote speaker Jeff Leger - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2018 – Pharmacy may be in the “the eye of the hurricane” but the opportunities are still within reach, said Shoppers Drug Mart President Jeff Leger, keynote speaker at this year’s Innovation Showcase in Toronto, hosted by the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy. “If 2018 ends the way it began, this could be the worst […]

Gathering more proof of value

Gathering more proof of value | Picture of Lori MacCallum presenting at her findings - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2018 – From urinary tract infections to diabetes care to home-based medication reviews and travel vaccines, researchers funded by the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s Innovation Fund share one thing in common: to demonstrate, and help fulfill, pharmacists’ largely untapped potential as primary healthcare providers. Four grant recipients—Dr.  Ross Tsuyuki, Dr. Lori MacCallum, Dr. Sherilyn […]

2018 Wellspring Leadership winners

2018 Wellspring Leadership winners | Collage of headshots for Amy Lamb, Michael Kani and Certina Ho - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

MAY 2018 – The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is pleased to announce the 2018 recipients of the Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards for personal leadership development: Amy Lamb, of Medi-Center Pharmacy in Saskatoon; Michael Kani, Michael’s Pharmacy in Saskatoon; and Certina Ho, Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada. Amy Lamb is a compounding pharmacist and […]