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Updates to the COVID-19 chart!

Updates to the COVID-19 Chart | Picture of two people reviewing a bar chart on a piece of paper - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

JULY 2022 – Get details on the dispensing or prescribing of Paxlovid and pharmacy’s role in the distribution of rapid antigen tests in the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s latest installment of its chart, “Provincial changes in pharmacy practice related to COVID-19.” You’ll also find updated information on COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, including the number of pharmacies […]

Best score for CFP at tourney

Best score for CFP at tourney | Picture of a large group of people on golf carts - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

JULY 2022 – CFP couldn’t have asked for better weather at its annual Charity Golf Classic in June. The sun also shone on the Foundation, as the event raised a record-breaking $110,000 for its Innovation Fund, which awards grants to pharmacy researchers and innovators across Canada. Thank you to the many sponsors of the day, […]

Getting to know Paul

Getting to know Paul | Headshot of CFP's new Executive Director Paul Kidston - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

JULY 2022 – Paul Kidston became Executive Director of the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) on June 1. The CFP Board is thrilled to be able to draw from the depth and breadth of his work experience to further advance the work of the Foundation to support the profession of pharmacy. In this Q&A article, […]