QC blazes trail in claims for services

JANUARY 2023 – Pharmacists in Québec have seized the opportunity to bill for services, with triple-digit growth rates in claims for prescription renewals and adaptations, and assessments for minor ailments. Claims activity held steady or declined in other provinces. Influenza vaccinations dropped across the board, save for a very modest increase in Québec; having said that, […]
Embracing change: Box Labs, Ontario

JANUARY 2023 – Michael Demian comes from a family of pharmacists, but pharmacy was not his first career choice. He started out studying electrical and computer engineering, but had serious second thoughts when he realized the sector was rightsizing and jobs were scarce. Then the light-bulb idea hit: become a pharmacist and bring both passions together. […]
The post-pandemic workplace: building resilience

JANUARY 2023 (reprinted from CFP’s Fall 2022 Changing Face of Pharmacy report) – When describing the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Canadian pharmacists, the famous words of Charles Dickens seem apt: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” The best of times? Yes, because during this time of mass disruption, the […]