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Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Recognizes 2012 Pillar of Pharmacy Award winners

Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Recognizes 2012 Pillar of Pharmacy Award winners

Toronto, November 7, 2012 – On October 30th, over 150 members of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical community attended the 2012 CFP Pillar Award dinner in honour of Dr. Murray A. Brown, held at the Westin Bristol Place Hotel. The audience heard from several speakers who spoke of Murray’s contribution to the profession of pharmacy as an academic, an Association Executive, a practicing pharmacist and a pharmaceutical industry Executive. This was a rare situation where the Pillar recipient has contributed to all four areas of the profession as identified by the Foundations’ Board of Governance. “Murray had a significant impact on my career as a pharmacist and where I am today”, stated Dianne Azzarello, industry regulatory affairs specialist. “As a new pharmacy grad at the Upjohn Co. a number of years ago, Murray, encouraged me and mentored me to pursue my career and to give back along the way”. The audience heard similar comments from Rexall Pharmacy Manager, Kenneth Manson, who as a student was part of the Structured Practical Experience Program (SPEP) at Wyeth and now Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. Since starting this program in the early 2000’s, Dr. Brown has mentored over 60 pharmacy students from across Canada as well as the state of Michigan.

For his part, Dr. Brown was very “flattered and humbled’ to be honoured with the prestigious Pillar of Pharmacy Award (an Award he presented twice in his role of Executive Director of the CFP 2000-2002). He acknowledged other recipients of the Award in the audience (Dr. Wayne Hindmarsh 2009, Mr. Gerry McDole 2004, Mr. Malcolm Seath 2003 and Dr. Jim Blackburn 2002). In his acceptance speech, Murray spoke about the importance of mentoring and the value it has on the transfer of knowledge and experience to a new generation. He acknowledged a number of people who had a significant impact on this career and how that has had a huge impact on his own desire and willingness to contribute to the profession in this manner.

The MC was long-time friend and colleague, Greg Glenn, who also introduced other speakers, Professor Emeritus – Jim Blackburn, SDM Associate – Barry Phillips, former Whitehall Robins President Malcolm Seath, and former Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Executive Walid Aldoori.

The Award was presented by CFP Executive Director, Dayle Acorn, who also announced that thanks to the funds raised from this and other events, the Foundation would be presenting two Innovation Fund Grants for $50,000 each to support the advancing role of pharmacists in the healthcare system, for 2012. Since 2005, CFP has invested over $550,000 in such projects in support of the profession of pharmacy.

Dayle Acorn, Executive Director, CFPP: 905-997-3238 E:

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