Derek Desrosiers

Headshot of Derek Desrosiers - Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy
Derek Desrosiers

Derek Desrosiers is one of Canada’s foremost authorities on economic and professional practice issues in pharmacy. After working in community pharmacy for 13 years, including time as a pharmacy manager and owner, Derek became the Director of Professional Services at the B.C. Pharmacy Association in 1995. In 1999 he took up a similar role at uniPHARM Wholesale Drugs Ltd., then became Chief Executive Officer in 2004. For more than 20 years, Derek has been a staff member or board member of BCPhA, including six terms as President. He has also served as a Director of the Board of the Canadian Pharmacists Association, and a Director and Chairman of the Board of the Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management.

Canada’s Charity of Choice to Support Pharmacy

As a registered charity, the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is uniquely positioned to fund practical research and innovative practice models at the grassroots level, as well as recognize the leaders of today and tomorrow. Our vision is to be a catalyst for change in the profession of pharmacy by seeking out, nurturing and inspiring innovation. Your donations are a way to give back to a profession that has much to look forward to. Thank you for your support.