Larry Leung

Artificial Intelligence | Profile image of Larry Leung - Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy
Innovation Fund Recipient

How can we uproot colonial and systemic issues pertaining to pharmacy and substance use experienced by Indigenous peoples? That’s the question Larry Leung, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the UPROOT research team at the University of British Columbia will seek to answer. Collaborating with B.C.’s Nuxalk Health and Wellness, which is currently building a substance use disorders clinic, the goal is to develop a model for culturally safe pharmacy services for substance use in a remote Indigenous community. This innovative pharmacy practice model is based on the principle of iixsatimutilh, a Nuxalk saying that translates as, “We are medicine for each other.” Pharmacists will balance western ways of healing with Indigenous worldviews of health and wellness. Not only is this an opportunity to improve patient care and expand the pharmacy practice to include spiritual, cultural and land-based healing, but this project can also serve as a model for other Indigenous communities both provincially and nationally.

Canada’s Charity of Choice to Support Pharmacy

As a registered charity, the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is uniquely positioned to fund practical research and innovative practice models at the grassroots level, as well as recognize the leaders of today and tomorrow. Our vision is to be a catalyst for change in the profession of pharmacy by seeking out, nurturing and inspiring innovation. Your donations are a way to give back to a profession that has much to look forward to. Thank you for your support.