CFP announces 2014 innovation fund grant winner
TORONTO, November 19, 2014 – The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is proud to announce the winner of its annual Innovation Fund Grant. The winners of the $46,300 grant are Drs. Jeff Taylor and Kerry Mansell from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
In 2012, pharmacist in Saskatchewan were granted limited prescribing opportunities for minor ailments. They then became the first jurisdiction on Canada to pay pharmacists for this clinical service, providing 5542 minor ailment consults up to June 2013.
The Evaluation of Pharmacist Prescribing for Minor Ailments – the clinical and economic value, will look at the impact of pharmacist intervention into these common conditions. Like all expanded services, evaluation is needed to justify the program, while demonstrating the additional value of having this service in the hands of pharmacists.
The main objective of this project is to determine whether patients prescribed such treatment clinically improve within a set time frame. Secondary interest will be on the patient utilization of health services applicable to minor ailments. Consenting patients will be interviewed on the level of clinical improvement, satisfaction scales and alternatives, if this option had not been available.
“Minor ailments are a common part of daily life. They are also costly when inappropriately taken to physicians. Pharmacists are trying to ease this pressure,” states Dr. Jeff Taylor, principal investigator. “Initial evidence of their involvement looks good, but more feedback will be needed to justify program expansion.”
“The Foundation received a number of excellent proposals this year assessing a wide range of innovative pharmacy-based interventions,” commented CFP Grant Committee and Board Member, Dr. David Edwards. “The results of this study will have widespread applicability to community pharmacy practice across the country with important implications for patients and for the health care system.” He added.
“I am extremely proud and supportive of the innovative work that Drs Taylor and Mansell are pursuing,” offers Professor and Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, Dr. Kishor Wasan. “Their work will be a major step forward for expanding the scope of practice for pharmacists. The University of Saskatchewan continues to be proud of our rich tradition and continues to be a leader in pharmacy practice innovation.”
The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is Canada’s national pharmacy charity supporting the advancement of the profession. Through its Innovation Fund, the foundation currently supports projects and research that facilitate the evolving role of the pharmacist, and has invested over $850,000 since 2004 to this cause.
Dayle Acorn
Executive Director,
Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy
5809 Fieldon Rd.,
Miss. ON L5M5K1
Ph: 905.997.3238
Kieran Kobitz, B.Comm
Communications & Alumni Relations Specialist
College of Pharmacy & Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
E3118 – 104 Clinic Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4
Ph: (306) 966-2502
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