SEPTEMBER 2018—As pharmacy struggles to find its fit in a new era of healthcare, a number of initiatives underway are looking to prove the value of Canadian pharmacists and the quality of pharmacy services beyond dispensing. At the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s Pharmacy Forum on October 25 this year, attendees will hear about research projects and real-world initiatives exploring the value of pharmacy.
With a prevailing theme of “Making the Value Connection,” speakers from the Ontario College of Pharmacists and the Ontario Pharmacy Evidence Network will speak to quality indicators for pharmacy and quality initiatives happening across the globe. In keeping with the theme of value connections, Alberta Pharmacists’ Association CEO Margaret Wing will speak to recent concessions to the province’s coveted pharmacy framework, which is considered the most advanced paid-pharmacy services model in the country.
The Forum will also feature a panel discussion on value-based pharmacy, a concept first introduced by Green Shield Canada just over a year ago. This will segue into a further discussion on “pay for performance” in pharmacy, with insights from the Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada and the Ontario Pharmacists Association, among others.