Grow the CFP Challenge

Grow the CFP Challenge | Concept imge showing wooden cubes spelling out the word challenge on a purple background - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

Grow the CFP Challenge

APRIL 2021 UPDATE – The Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires (AQPP) joins the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA) in challenging pharmacy groups and individual pharmacists to support pharmacy research through the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP).

Headshot of Jean Bourcier- The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy
Jean Bourcier, AQPP

“Personally, this is something I will do every year that I am on the Board of CFP,” says Jean Bourcier, Executive Vice-President and General Manager of AQPP, of his $1,000 annual donation to the Foundation. Bourcier joined the Board in 2019.

The AQPP as an organization also recently donated $2,000 to support CFP’s commitment to fund pharmacy research and provide grants to grassroots pharmacy leaders.

“The Foundation is doing great work on behalf of all practising pharmacists in Canada. One of our goals as a Board is to make more people aware of that,” says Bourcier.

This year, the Board voted to increase the amount it awards from its Innovation Fund to pharmacy researchers to up to $150,000, from $100,000 in previous years. “Now more than ever it is critical to back research that will prove the value of pharmacists’ interactions with patients to governments and other healthcare providers,” notes Bourcier.

CFP hopes to be able to continue to fund at this higher level, so long as donations make that possible. “We have the capacity to make this happen. As a group or as an individual, donate whatever you can. It will make a difference,” says Bourcier.

Bruce Winston, RxA

MARCH 2021 – A friendly challenge among pharmacists who are members of the Board for the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA) resulted in a $1,500 donation to the Foundation. Thank you, RxA board members!

“I’m really proud of how we came together as a group to support the Foundation. I don’t think pharmacists realize how much CFP does for the profession,” says Bruce Winston, current President of RxA and President of Apex Pharmacies. “I challenge other pharmacy associations, or any group of pharmacists, to step up and try to top our donation!”

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy is dedicated to advancing the profession of pharmacy by funding practical, grassroots research and innovative models of practice. To do this, CFP relies on donations from individuals and corporations.

If every pharmacist in Canada donated just $25, CFP would be able to award than $1 million in funding to pharmacy researchers and innovators.

That funding is needed today more than ever, as the pace of change accelerates due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pharmacists repeatedly demonstrate their ability to fill gaps in health care. Credible, actionable research is key to communicate sustainable best practices and make the case for funding from public and private payers.

CFP funds pharmacy researchers across Canada. Recent recipients of grants from its Innovation Fund include:

  • Debbie Kelly, Newfoundland: comprehensive medication assessments (awarded 2020)
  • Dan Burton, Alberta: mental health assessment and prescribing (2019)
  • Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia: Prescription to Thrive study (2018)
  • Whole Health Pharmacy Partners, Ontario: Appointment-based model of practice (2018)
  • Ross Tsuyuki, Alberta: UTI Management in New Brunswick (2017)

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