Introducing Canada’s pharmacy management textbook

Introducing Canada’s pharmacy management textbook

APRIL 2014 – A new all-Canadian textbook focused on pharmacy management should be available for pharmacies and pharmacy students across the country by spring of next year.

Headed by The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy the textbook is expected to be an all-in-one management resource. “Many companies have put together their own training guides but there isn’t one resource that all the pharmacists in the country can use,” says editorial advisory board member Rita Winn of Lovell Drugs, who is overseeing sections on human resources and pharmacy operations. She says the textbook will be a guide for new managers as well as seasoned pharmacy staff. “If you have your own store and are facing a particular problem, I’m hoping this will be the resource to go to time and again.”

Wayne Hindmarsh, editor-in-chief of the project, says that feedback from a survey conducted by CFP indicated a real need for this type of resource among pharmacy students. “Overwhelmingly managers from community and hospital environments thought graduates from pharmacy schools were not prepared for management issues,” he says, adding that a lot of the current management materials at universities come from sources outside of Canada. “Our editorial board is a real cross-section of experts across the country and I’m quite optimistic that we’re going to be able to put together a resource that will tap into what’s going on in pharmacy in Canada.”CFP launches fundraising campaign for pharmacy management textbook

This will be the first Canadian pharmacy management textbook since 1998 and will be available in e-book as well as hardcover. “We’re going into a lot more areas and a lot more depth than was previously done given the expanding scope of the profession,” says Hindmarsh. The textbook will feature 12 sections on topics ranging from risk management, business plans and quality control to developing, managing and implementing pharmacy services. At least two experts will review each section. “We’ve picked authors who have a lot of practical experience and are known experts in their areas, plus balanced that with academia,” says Winn.

Even with most authors contributing their time and expertise for free, development costs will run about $100,000 and the Foundation is in the midst of rolling out a fundraising campaign. “We are looking for sponsors to support us as this is a real opportunity to be part of a legacy project for the profession,” says CFP Executive Director Dayle Acorn. “We also expect the textbook to generate between $10,000 and $20,000 a year in sales which we are happy to put back into Foundation programs that support pharmacy.”

Given that CFP was behind the last Pharmacy Management in Canada textbook, Acorn says this latest reincarnation is a natural fit for the Foundation. “With everything that is going on in the profession and in pharmacy education, the time is right for an all-in-one resource that is strictly Canadian,” he says. “I expect this to be a very valuable tool for students and the profession.”

For more information on sponsorship opportunities or to contribute to the editorial process, contact Dayle Acorn

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