Momentum grows for management textbook

Momentum grows for management textbook

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s fundraising campaign for its Canadian pharmacy management textbook is off to a strong start with a $20,000 contribution from Pharmascience, $5,000 from the Chain Drug Association of B.C., and another $5,000 from the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association.

“Pharmascience is pleased to be sponsoring the management textbook. We feel that this will be an excellent tool that will help students to be the pharmacy leaders of tomorrow,” says Valerie Lorange, marketing manager at Pharmascience.

CFP is seeking to raise at least $100,000 to cover the costs to produce the textbook, which will be the first dedicated to pharmacy management in Canada since 1998. It will be available in e-book as well as hardcover, and its topics will range from business plans and quality assurance to the implementation and management of pharmacist services. Its editorial advisory board represents a cross-section of experts in grassroots pharmacy, corporate pharmacy and academia.

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