New CFP president shares goals

New CFP president shares goals

April 2015 – With a strong strategic plan in place, the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is set to put an even greater emphasis on supporting innovation across the country says new president Anne Maheu.

“Pharmacy has been at a crossroads for a few years now, and while it’s still in a state of transformation, pharmacists are getting closer to completing the shift from a model based on drug distribution to pharmacists being service providers,” says Maheu, who is a pharmacist based in Quebec.

For CFP that means continuing to support pharmacy innovators across the country through research grants and by providing resources for those who are itching to do more with their professional skills. 

One such resource is the much-anticipated Pharmacy Management in Canada textbook launching in June. “Pharmacists who want to embark on this transformation will find tremendous resources in this textbook,” says Maheu. “Plus, it will enable us to continue to increase awareness about the Foundation, especially among pharmacy students.”

Maheu says other initiatives on the agenda in 2015 are to explore additional income avenues for the Foundation via individual donations and estate planning. “I know these kinds of initiatives have been successful for the Canadian Medical Association, and they are good opportunities for those who want to give back to their profession,” she says.

While awareness for CFP has increased significantly over the years, Maheu points to the fact that Quebec is still lagging in this regard. “We’re still not well-known in Quebec and we need to start finding new ways to build awareness there,” she says. “That’s certainly one of my priorities too.”

In addition to Maheu’s appointment, the board welcomes several new members to CFP this term, including Perry Eisenschmid of the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Rita Egan of AstraZeneca and Linda Prytula of Eclipse Pharma. Returning to the board for another term are Sandra Carey of the Health Initiative and Bill Wilson of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.

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