Pharmacy management CE now available!

Pharmacy management CE now available! | Picture a book called your business plan sitting atop two columns of books - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

Pharmacy management CE now available!

Managing Your Pharmacy: The Business Essentials is an online continuing education (CE) program just launched by the Canadian Pharmacists Association  and the Ontario Pharmacists Association, and it’s based on the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s popular Pharmacy Management in Canada textbook. This comprehensive, self-directed program is accredited for a total of 27 CE units, and participants receive a complimentary copy of Pharmacy Management in Canada.

Case studies and learnings from pharmacy leaders flesh out the educational material that is broken down into the following seven modules:

  1. So You Want to Own or Manage a Pharmacy: Where to Start? (3.0 CEUs)
  2. Running a Tight Ship: Pharmacy Operations (6.0 CEUs)
  3. The Bottom Line: Financial Management (3.0 CEUs)
  4. Your Pharmacy Team: Human Resources Management (5.0 CEUs)
  5. Using Marketing and Communications to Optimize Your Practice (3.0 CEUs)
  6. Delivering Patient-Focused Services: Meeting the Needs of Your Patients (5.0 CEUs)
  7. Strategic Game Plan to Your Formal Business Plan (2.0 CEUs)

“There is a direct relationship between business practices and professional practice, and the need for this type of program is especially critical today due to the many business challenges being thrown at pharmacy, such as reduced revenue from generic drugs and higher minimum wages,” says Dayle Acorn, Executive Director of CFP. “We’re thrilled to be partnering with CPhA and OPA to build upon our management textbook to create this program that can help take community pharmacy to the next level.”

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