Stu Ryan, Executive Director of the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) from 1995 to 2000, died on January 15 at the age of 92.
“CFP would not be where it is today without Stu Ryan. He dedicated himself to raising the Foundation’s profile and we continue to reap the benefits of what he was able to accomplish,” says Linda Prytula, CFP’s Executive Director.
Ryan brought 38 years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry—all of them at Upjohn Pharmaceutical—to his tenure at CFP. He launched several fundraisers, which continue to this day, successfully boosting the Foundation’s capacity to award grants in support of pharmacy research (through the Innovation Fund) and leadership development (through what eventually became the Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards). CFP’s prestigious Pillar of Pharmacy Award and popular Pharmacy Forum educational programs took flight under Ryan’s leadership.
In recognition of his outstanding service to pharmacy, Ryan received the Canadian Pharmacists Association’s Honorary Life Award in 1986.