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What’s next for pharmacy post-COVID-19?

What’s next for pharmacy post-COVID-19? | Picture of cover of the Changing Face of Pharmacy Report for Fall of 2021 - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

What’s next for pharmacy post-COVID-19?

NOVEMBER 2021 – Pharmacists’ willingness to step up to fill healthcare gaps during the pandemic has cemented their position as key members of the healthcare team. Now it’s up to the profession to meet new patient expectations, while guarding against burnout.

“The awareness, respect and goodwill we have built over the pandemic means that post-COVID, we are going to be needed and respected like never before—and expectations for our contributions will be higher than ever,” says Dr. Zubin Austin, professor at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto.

A big challenge for pharmacists will be letting go of old and familiar tasks to take on these new responsibilities long-term. “This will be nerve-wracking for a while, but I think will ultimately benefit the healthcare system and patients in incredibly important ways,” say Austin.

Operational plans that recognize the value of pharmacy services, help the team communicate that value and establish workflows that make efficient use of staff time and resources will be critical.

In the meantime, pharmacy workload throughout the pandemic has taken its toll with 88% of pharmacists feeling burned out and 84% reporting a decline in their mental health. The largest contributors to stress were vaccine rollout, staff shortages and staying up to date with information.

Get the full story in CFP’s Changing Face of Pharmacy Fall 2021 report. Email Dayle Acorn ( to get your copy.

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