Who’s on Board at CFP

Picture of people scribbling over notes on a table - The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

Who’s on Board at CFP

MARCH 2021 – The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy welcomes Margaret Wing, CEO of the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA), as its President and Glen Doucet, CEO of the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) to its Board of Directors for 2021.

Margaret Wing, President of CFP

As pharmacists prepare for a second pandemic year of healthcare services, Wing says the Foundation’s role in supporting pharmacy will be more critical than ever. “Over the last year we have witnessed the profession of pharmacy respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, reaffirming their role as the real frontline healthcare heroes we know they are,” says Wing, who is CEO of the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association. “Day after day, pharmacists met the changing needs of their patients despite the challenges arising from the pandemic.” 

Much like the profession, she says CFP has also worked hard in its approach, not only to be responsive to new environmental challenges related to the global pandemic, but also to proactively consider the future forward for CFP.  “The Board of CFP is committed to identifying new initiatives that support and advance the profession,” she says.

During this pandemic, Wing says innovation and new practice models continue to emerge as pharmacists find unique ways to care for their patients. “Accordingly, CFP is pleased to be able to increase both our funding commitment towards pharmacy practice research, as well as our support for our awards program that recognizes innovative pharmacy leadership.”

Rounding out CFP’s 2021 Executive Commitee is: Vice-President Deb Saltmarche, senior director, Professional Affairs at Shoppers Drug Mart; Past-President Linda Prytula, a community pharmacist with more than 25 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry; Secretary-Treasurer Justin Bates, CEO of the Ontario Pharmacists Association: and Executive Director Dayle Acorn. 

New to the board this year as Director (Associations) is CPhA’s Glen Doucet, who brings more than 30 years of expertise in association management, government relations and strategic communications. 

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