Why I support CFP: Randy Goodman

Headshot of Randy Goodman | The Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

Why I support CFP: Randy Goodman

SEPTEMBER 2022 – As a long-time donor to the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy, Randy Goodman says it’s not about how or how much you give, it’s about helping your profession now and into the future. “It’s important that all pharmacists support their profession in any way they can,” he says, noting that CFP is one of his favorite ways to do that.

Goodman, who is CEO of GeriatRx Pharmacy in Toronto, applauds CFP’s commitment to accountability, through reports, outreach, online communication and more. He says it’s that openness that helps to promote pharmacy and the critical role pharmacists can play in Canada’s health system. “It’s about recognizing the work we do and the value we bring,” he says.

In November 2005, Goodman incorporated GeriatRx Pharmacy to serve long-term care and retirement facilities. Five months later the pharmacy dispensed its first prescription. Today, the pharmacy has a staff of more than 35, which includes a team of certified geriatric pharmacists that provide clinical services such as comprehensive drug reviews for new residents, quarterly medication reviews that align with physician quarterlies, and outbreak management and assistance. A team of quality control nurses also conduct regular audits that cover everything from a complete review of tracking documentation and shift counts to checking medication carts, fridges, and stat boxes.

A University of Toronto pharmacy graduate—and the longest-standing certified geriatric pharmacist in Canada—Goodman says he “stumbled” into working in a long-term-care pharmacy after graduation. “I learned the ropes. I went into homes, and I gave presentations. It was a rewarding start for a kid out of school.”

Goodman continued to work in the field, moving to Medico Pharmacy before opening his own pharmacy more than 15 years ago where the focus is exclusively on long-term care and retirement facilities.

As the work that CFP supports so clearly demonstrates, he says the pharmacy landscape and the role of pharmacists have changed since he started his first job in long-term care. For example, he says there is greater awareness around long-term care pharmacy and the need for pharmacists to provide ongoing services. “The demand has always been high,” says Goodman. “It’s not a niche, but there is more awareness and more interest now.”

In the spirit of giving back, he welcomes student placements at his pharmacy to introduce them to the world of long-term-care pharmacy, too.

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