Innovation update: Culturally safe care

Since receiving an Innovation Fund award from the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy in 2023, Dr. Larry Leung, his colleague Dr. Jason Min and their research team at University of British Columbia have laid the groundwork to pilot their clinical pharmacy and substance use services for Indigenous peoples. The pilot program will launch February 2025 at […]
Innovation update: Heart Track app for hypertension

Dr. Jamie Yuen Knowing that more than 40% of patients with hypertension are sub-optimally managed, Dr. Jamie Yuen and his team at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Pharmacists Clinic developed a virtual hypertension management program centered around patients using the Heart Track mobile app. The pharmacist-led project, with funding from the Canadian Foundation for […]
Patients, prescribers praise remote pharmacist-led OSP

Paula Newman, clinical pharmacist and research specialist at Northwest Telepharmacy Solutions, led a successful project to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a remote pharmacist-led Opioid Stewardship Program (OSP) for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP). Using videoconferencing (VC) technology, she was able to do this in a region without access to a specialized clinician in CNCP. […]
The CPCAC pays it forward

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is excited to announce a $23,000 donation from the Coalition of Pharmacists Caring for Aging Canadians (CPCAC). The donation comes after a decision to dissolve the Coalition and allocate its remaining funds to support the Foundation. “The decision to dissolve the organization was made after careful consideration and evaluation […]
2024 Pillar of Pharmacy: Warren Meek

This year’s Pillar of Pharmacy winner has dedicated himself to the pharmacy profession, not only in Canada but around the world, says Linda Prytula, Executive Director of the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy. “We are so pleased to honour Warren Meek with this Award as a way of recognizing and thanking him for his service.” Indeed, […]