Ontario Pharmacists Association, Green Shield Canada

Logos for Ontario Pharmacists Association and Green Shield Canada - Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy
Innovation Fund Recipient

Impact of Community Pharmacist Interventions in Hypertension Management in Patient Outcomes: A Randomized Control Trial

Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy’s $50,000 grant from its Innovation Fund supported ground-breaking research on the impact of regularly scheduled pharmacists’ interventions with patients with uncontrolled hypertension in the working population. Pharmacists not only significantly helped improve blood pressure control, but were recognized as effective sources of support for changes in lifestyle behaviours. Green Shield Canada has since launched a pharmacists coaching program for cardiovascular health, available as a core benefit for its clients with drug plans.

Related links:

2015 news article – Insurer invests in CV coaching

2014 news article – Green Shield/OPA results promising for pharmacists

2014 final project report – Ontario Pharmacists Association & Green Shield Canada

Canada’s Charity of Choice to Support Pharmacy

As a registered charity, the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) is uniquely positioned to fund practical research and innovative practice models at the grassroots level, as well as recognize the leaders of today and tomorrow. Our vision is to be a catalyst for change in the profession of pharmacy by seeking out, nurturing and inspiring innovation. Your donations are a way to give back to a profession that has much to look forward to. Thank you for your support.