CFP Board Announcement 2011

CFP Board Announcement 2011

CFP Announces New Board for 2011

At their recent Annual General Meeting the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy announced their new Board of Directors for 2011. Outgoing President, Bessie Wang accepted the recommendations of the Nominations Committee and the Board approved the new Executive:

President – Ryan Itterman (Regional Director, Pharmacy Services for Alexandra Marine & General Hospital (AMGH) and Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA).

Past President – Bessie Wang (Director, Professional Services – TELUS Health Solutions).

Vice President – Linda Prytula (Manager, Business Development – Mint Pharmaceuticals)

Treasurer – Marnie Mitchell (CEO – BCPhA) and

Secretary – Mr. Richard Jones (Vice President, Pharmacy Services – Medbuy Corp)

Re-elected for second terms were:

Ms. Terri Power (Account Director, IMS Health Canada)

Returning Board Members include:

Dr. Jake Thiessen (former Hallman Director, University of Waterloo, School of Pharmacy).

Dr. Lyne Lalonde (Professeur agrégé, Université de Montréal, Faculté de pharmacie).

Dr. Steven Semelman (President, Gemini Pharma Consultants Ltd.).

Mr. Teji Dhami (Pharmacy Owner, Shoppers Drug Mart).

Ms. Allison Bodnar (Executive Director, Pharmaceutical Association of Nova Scotia).

Mr. Marshall Moleschi (Registrar – BC College of Pharmacy).

Mr. Sal Cimino (Manager, Pharmacy & Professional Servcies – Greenshield Canada).

The following people were nominated to the board for a first term:

Ms. Nadine Saby (CEO, CACDS).

Dr. David Hill ( Dean, College of Pharmacy & Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan).

Mr. Brian Jacobs (Manager, Community Pharmacy Relations – Sanofi-Aventis.

Incoming President, Ryan Itterman joined the Board in 2004, and the Executive in 2008. Since this time, Mr. Itterman has worked diligently on behalf of the Foundation in support of its mandate to advance the profession of pharmacy, while leading the Awards Committee. “I am pleased to have such a talented and enthusiastic group on our Board” stated Mr. Itterman as he welcomed the new Board. “We have created some tremendous momentum with the Foundation over the past few years, and our goal should be to continue to capitalize on the work of the current Board. I am delighted with the work of the Foundation and its emphasis on the evolving role of the pharmacist as a collaborative healthcare partner. Their skills and expertise can offer a lot to patient-centered care. “, added Mr. Itterman.

Outgoing President, Bessie Wang, received the Past Presidents Award, presented annually by Bristol Myers Squibb. On hand to present the award was Ms. Katarina Mayer from BMS Canada.

Ms. Wang thanked outgoing Board members Ms. Deb Saltmarche (Pharmacy Consultant), Ms. Rita Caldwell (Director of Pharmacy – Dalhousie College of Pharmacy), for their contribution.

Since 1990, the Foundation has invested over $1million in support of pharmacy through its various grants, scholarships and bursaries. In 2010 the Foundation celebrated its’ 65th Anniversary in support of the profession.

Since 1945 the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy – Canada’s National pharmacy charity – has been committed to the advancement of the pharmacy profession. The mission of the CFP is to be a catalyst for change, developing and supporting evolving pharmacist care to optimize health outcomes.

For more information, contact: Dayle Acorn / Executive Director
Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy
Telephone: 905-997-3238 Email

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