Margaret Wing on the power of pharmacy connection

Margaret Wing on the power of pharmacy connection | Profile image of Margaret Wing - Canadian Foundation For Pharmacy

Margaret Wing on the power of pharmacy connection

JANUARY 2023 – As CEO of the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA), Margaret Wing has played a key part in advocating for pharmacists in her province. In her role as Past President of CFP, and an ongoing board member since 2016, Wing has appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Foundations’ efforts to elevate the profession of pharmacy overall, and support initiatives that help push pharmacy forward.

Why were you were interested in being part of CFP?

Before I joined the Board, I had the opportunity to present at some of the CFP Pharmacy Forum events. I was interested in the work that CFP was doing in supporting and advancing the profession of pharmacy. This is something I have been very passionate about, especially since I started working at RxA.

Which of CFP’s initiatives to date are you most proud of?

It is quite an accomplishment that CFP helps to connect the profession of pharmacy through different networking and educational opportunities. It is inspiring to participate in programs like the Pharmacy Information Exchange and the Pharmacy Forum. These events provide the opportunity to learn about and debate timely and meaningful topics for the pharmacy profession. They also connect pharmacists and pharmacy leaders across Canada from diverse stakeholder groups, such as practitioners, academia and industry representatives.

How have you harnessed your professional expertise in your roles at CFP?

I have developed an extensive pharmacy background with experience in such roles as a pharmacist, regional pharmacy manager, pharmacy owner and now CEO with RxA.  My current position at RxA has a significant focus on advocacy, which complements the work of CFP through the support of innovation and excellence in advancing the profession. One of the considerable successes of RxA has been negotiating and supporting the implementation of the Alberta Pharmacy Services Framework (PSF) into community pharmacy practice. Since the PSF was established in 2012, it has undergone many updates and revisions, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  Therefore, one of the CFP publications I am very proud to contribute to and update is the annual Provincial Pharmacy Services Chart, which provides details on all government-sponsored professional pharmacists’ services. 

What do you hope to accomplish with CFP going forward?

I am currently Chair of the Nominating Committee. I want to continue with the successful recruitment of leaders from across Canada with diverse backgrounds and a shared passion for the profession of pharmacy represented on the CFP Board of Directors. I hope everyone reading this article will think about putting their name forward for consideration as a future Board member. It is a fantastic opportunity to network and work with pharmacists and friends of pharmacy from many different stakeholder groups.

What are some key challenges facing CFP in accomplishing its goals?

One of the main challenges facing CFP is connecting with all pharmacists in multiple practice environments across the country. Broadening the reach of CFP is essential because it is very difficult for innovation and advancement to drive a profession forward without the foundational work that organizations like CFP do. I hope that now that more pharmacists are connecting online through various educational or forum opportunities, CFP’s work will become more known and meaningful to all practicing pharmacists.   

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