More funding for pharmacy innovation

More funding for pharmacy innovation | Concept image of a woman holding a gear with a light bulb on top of her head - Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy

More funding for pharmacy innovation

The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy has added $50,000 to support recipients of its Innovation Fund, for a total of $150,000 in grants available to researchers and innovators across Canada.

The additional funds are earmarked to support three to six shorter-duration projects of a year or less that help “move the needle in expanding scope for pharmacists,” says CFP’s Executive Director Linda Prytula. “We hope the findings of these initiatives will help support associations and others in lobbying government for expanded pharmacy services and adequate reimbursement.”

The Innovation Fund’s expanded mandate reflects CFP’s new strategic plan, launched this month, which aims to affect more transformative change in pharmacy. To that end, CFP will be collaborating more closely with all sectors of the profession to identify and close gaps in research and evidence.

“We want to support research that is truly focused on the needs of pharmacists and the healthcare needs of patients,” says Prytula. “We’re also taking even more accountability to ensure CFP-funded projects are evidence-driven and strive to achieve impactful outcomes.”

As the largest charitable organization funding pharmacy research in Canada, CFP has transformed more than $2.5 million in individual and corporate donations into awards, bursaries and scholarships for pharmacy researchers, innovators and leaders across Canada since 2007. Read more about the various grants and awards offered by CFP here.

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